We, the boosters, get to support the kids of the Rancho Maze Band and Colorguard. We are proud. 

Be a Part of the Music! 


Consider joining the Rancho Maze Band Boosters Association and the Be the Difference our students need so much!


For nearly 50 years, the Rancho Maze Band Boosters Association has always been, at its core, a family-based community dedicated to supporting the Rancho Maze Band & Colorguard.  The Rancho Maze Band Boosters are a group of parents, just like you!  Their choices are what keep our band program alive, running smoothly, and afford our students with opportunities far above and beyond what the district can provide.  All Parents and Family Members are always welcome and encouraged to join any of our Booster Meetings. You may have some wonderful ideas to help our organization, some vital questions, or just want to find a way to be a part of this time with your child - Whatever the reason, we’d love you there!


About Us


The Rancho Maze Band Boosters Association is a family-based club dedicated to supporting the Rancho Maze Band and its related programs (Collectively referred to as the "Band") through volunteerism, structure, and funding. The "Boosters" or members of this Association, are governed by the Board of Directors of whom meet regularly to plan and manage the business affairs of the 501C3 Non-profit Corporation.


A "Booster Meeting," or general membership meeting, is open to all Band Parents, families, alumnus, and interested individuals and is generally held the second Wednesday of each month.  Band Parents and loved ones are especially encouraged to be a part of the band family and play a truly unforgettable role in our community’s youth music.


Our Mission


We are the Rancho Maze Band Boosters Association a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization founded with the primary purpose of encouraging the development of invaluable life skills, such as self-discipline, confidence, commitment, responsibility, and personal pride, through the funding of music and visual performing arts education. 


Our Commitment

  • To instill financial structure and program stability through fundraising in which to further support the education and activities of the Rancho Maze Band Students, and their related programs. 
  • To encourage students to strive for excellence in visual and performing arts, in an effort to help educate, develop and broaden the training, knowledge, personality, and general character of students. 
  • To provide optimistic, and positive support to the Music Director and all of the members of the Band. 
  •  To develop community awareness of the efforts of the Band students. 
  •  To recognize and award Band students' achievements. 


How Can I Help?!


Our favorite words!  Please take a quick moment to tell us a little bit about yourself and how you’d like to support our students and the home in which they call Band.  


Fill out this form

Rancho Maze Band Boosters

PO Box 623 

Hollister, CA 95024