Create Music!


It truly takes a community to bring Music & Colorguard performances to life! From student performers to directors to volunteers to members and partners, every single person on stage and behind the scenes is vital to our shows and our students!



Here's how you can get involved with RMB!






Student Enrollment



Music: Our Music Program is available year-round to students during the school day. Eligible students will find Band 1, Band 2, or Band 3 in their current class schedule once enrolled. For students within the Hollister School District attending either Rancho San Justo or Marguerite Maze Middle School, enrollment in the Rancho Maze Band is often as easy as having a quick conversation with your school counselor. Music Director, Mr. Martinez, would be happy to assist you in this process. Email Mr. Martinez





Colorguard: Colorguard is an after-school extra curricular activity. All Hollister School District students in Grades 6-8 are eligible to participate in Colorguard. Simply connect with Colorguard Director, Mrs. Redding, or attend any Colorguard Clinics, in order to participate. Email Mrs. Redding





Live in the area, but don't attend any of the above eligible schools? That’s ok, music is everywhere and we want to help you find it! Here are some local music directors to help you find music and colorguard for your student.





Hollister Elementary School District (Grades 4-8): Music Director, Mrs. Susan Silveira. Email Mrs. Silveira



Spring Grove Elementary School District (Grades 4-8): Email Mrs. Silveira



Hollister High School (Grades 9-12): Music Director, Mr. Joey Fortino (Band/Colorguard) Email Mr. Fortino



Become a Member or Partner 



RMB relies on the generosity of our Members and Sponsors to keep the magic of youth arts alive in San Benito County. Through personal Membership or Business Sponsorship, your yearly donation helps provide things like uniforms, music, instruments & equipment, learning opportunities, and so much more! With varying levels of both personal Membership and Business Sponsorship, there are many ways to support RMB.






Throughout the year, there are many, many ways for you to step right in and, quite literally, be a part of EVERYTHING! It takes a village to help our students be successful in this program and it all starts with you! Things like walking alongside them at parades, sewing uniforms, towing a trailer, chaperoning at events, and helping students get uniformed and ready all matter so much to every student’s experience. Brand new? Don’t know what to do? That’s ok, we’re here to help you be a part of what’s so special to your student!






Please take a quick moment to tell us a little bit about yourself and how you’d like to support our students and the home in which they call Band.








Email *


Email: Adam Martinez - Music Director

Email: Mandy Redding - Colorguard Director 

Email: Boosters Board

Amber Kimzey - President

Arnold Gomez - Vice President 

Jessica Snyder - Treasurer


Rancho Maze Band Boosters

PO Box 623 

Hollister, CA 95024